Are You Hoping To Get In Shape For The Summer?

by | Nov 11, 2022

toxic body storage

Ditch the fads in favour of a diet you are more likely to stick with.

Weight gain can creep up on us. Over the winter months we tend to enjoy foods that create a feeling of comfort and warmth. Many of these foods tend to be higher in calories, usually from fat or added sugars.

As we enter the summer months, some of us start to think about getting in shape and beach ready.

These concerns might be met with the temptation for a “quick fix” to weight loss. But this sort of approach is likely to mean finding yourself back in the same position this time next year.

Looking past the quick fix and fad diets to longer-term solutions will improve your chance of keeping the weight off and staying healthy all year round.

But weight loss isn’t just about swapping one or two foods for a month or two; it’s about establishing patterns to teach our bodies new habits that can be maintained into the future.

Fad diets or a quick fix option can be limited. For example, they can be difficult to stick to, or people on them can regain weight quickly after stopping the diet.

Things to look out for

So how can you tell if a diet is likely to lead to long term weight loss success?

  1. Will you be getting all your nutritional value?
  2. Is it flexible and practical?
  3. Can the foods be easily bought at the supermarket?

If the answer to these three questions is “yes”, you’re likely on to a good one. But if you’re getting at least one “no”, you might want to think carefully about whether the diet is the right choice for sustained weight loss.


Through encouragement, education, inspiration and motivation we support your journey as you reach your lifestyle goals while creating a healthy relationship with food.

I ensure that you are supported with a customized lifestyle, eating and detox plan designed to assist you achieve your health and lifestyle goals within the structure of your home, family and work life, preparing you for ultimate success.

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