Are You Stress Eating?
A global survey conducted confirms that many of us experience this firsthand.
However, where do we start? Your physical and mental health should be your number one priority. Many people do not even know how or where to begin when dealing with stress eating. The more weight that is gained, the higher the health risk and then stress levels start soaring.
A vicious circle right?
From my experience the way to deal with stress eating is by taking back your control with a support system and accountability.
I remember a time back in the 90’s when I was a walking time bomb – burnt out to the max eating everything in sight and it dawned on me that unless I made a radical change in my lifestyle, I was heading for burn out and serious health issues.
A friend introduced me to a 10-day detox plan. At first, I was skeptical, not sure I had the discipline to follow through. However, once I got through the first 4 days of not feeling so great, a mental and physical transition took place. I was struck by how much clearer my thinking had become. I had a deeper consciousness. I was coping better with my stress levels.
The discipline, the sense of control and added bonus of weight reduction was exactly what got me motivated to take charge of my wellbeing.
Reflecting back to that time in my life and relating to how people are feeling at the moment is proof alone that embarking on a 10-day detox with support and motivation is the perfect way to start off a new chapter to a healthy attitude towards eating habits and shedding a few unwanted kilograms.
Ten days is not all that long, and it will certainly kick your butt and get you thinking differently.
It worked for me 20 years ago and I have never looked back.
This tool does not provide medical advice, it is intended for information purposed only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the Colleen The Coach website. If you suspect you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.
2023, Colleen The Coach. All rights reserves.