Reverse Diet “The Diet After The Diet.”

by | Sep 8, 2022

toxic body storage

Why do people regain weight after a diet?

The reasons people regain weight after dieting vary and depending on individual circumstances, such as the type of the diet, the length of time they dieted, and whether sustainable habits were developed and maintained once they stop dieting.

One of the main reasons for weight regain is the sense of freedom a person may feel after discontinuing a restrictive diet. Once it’s over, a person may overindulge on previously “forbidden” foods, leading to weight gain.

However, if that behavior becomes a habit or compulsion, a person may continue to overeat.

What’s more, many diets fail to teach people healthy, sustainable lifestyle habits, such as learning to read nutrition labels, prepare nutritious meals, and practice mindful eating.

Thus, once they end their diet, people return to previous habits that led to the unwanted weight gain.

Additionally, if a person does not have a sufficient support system (e.g. health coach, supportive friends and family) to encourage them to continue their healthy behaviors, their motivation may decline.

I recommend adopting lifelong habits that may help you lose weight in a sustainable way, such as eating more whole, nutrient-dense foods, limiting processed foods, cutting out sugar and breads then being physically active, and getting proper sleep.

My approach to weight loss and maintenance is education and accountability. I teach all my clients to adopt a healthy attitude towards food and how to enjoy nutritious meals and replace those old habit weakness with even better alternatives.

If you would like an assessment on your current diet please reach out and we can discuss the best plan of action that will suit you.

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